Vern Barmet Vern Barnett Vernon Barnet Vernon Barnett CRES multifaith multi-faith interfaith kansas city

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The Reverend Vern Barnet, DMn
bio page    CRES minister emeritus

Request for program

1. Panel member
2. Panel moderator
3. Offer prayer
4. Teach class or lead workshop
5. Preach sermon
6. Informal consultation 
7. Formal consultation
8. Curriculum design
9. Book review or other writing assignment

I appreciate the compliment of your gracious invitation which I am pleased to accept.

Do you have a particular topic? 
Since so many folks are hungry for a way to understand the confusion of world religions, I'd certainly be pleased to discuss and interact with your class about that. But I am interested in addressing whatever you think would be useful.

There are two issues. 
(1) I currently not driving and 
(2) my Board has set fees for my services (see, payable to "CRES." 

Only particular circumstances may allow reduction or waiving of the fee.

Should you wish to pursue this despite the two problems I've named and wish additional biographical information, you can find words and photos for backround and publicity at
and .

Again, thank you for your invitation. 
In any event, I am grateful for the compliment of your interest and for your generous words about my column in The Star.

Vern Barnet